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    STUDIA HISTORIA ARTIUM - Issue no. 1 / 2010  
  Article:   IN MEMORIAM FRIEDRICH BÖMCHES (1916–2010).

  Abstract:  In Memoriam Friedrich Bömches (1916–2010). The recently passed away Friedrich Bömches was one of the most important Romanian painters and drawers from the second half of the 20th century. Belonging to the German minority, Bömches, as most of his conationals from the same generation, had to suffer from almost all of the inconveniencies of the last century: war, deportation, communist dictatorship, emigration and a new beginning in an adopted country. In his youth he had to continue the family’s tradition becoming a gunsmith, but felt attracted by drawing and painting. His first masters were the well-known artists from Braşov Hans Eder, Fritz Kimm and Hans Mattis-Teutsch all of them very close to Expressionism. The influence of his masters combined with the sad moments of his biography transformed the artist in a late follower of this art style. After WWII Bömches went through a short episode of Social Realism, the art style the communists had imposed. From the late fifties he became innovative and had the opportunity to travel and exhibit all over Europe. In 1978 the artist settled in Germany, where he enjoyed a good reputation.

Keywords: Transylvanian German, war, deportation, painter, drawer, expressionist 

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